Akissa Bahri
Akissa Bahri
35 years in research into use
Akissa Bahri, an agricultural engineer by training, has worked in water research in the fields of water resources development and management,agricultural use of marginal waters andbiosolids, and their impacts on the environment with a focus on water quality and water use efficiency.
She has been dealing with the double-sided problems of dwindling water resources and the risks of soil deterioration associated with land application of brackish and reclaimed waters and sewage sludge. These practices, if not well managed, may create potential problematic long-term environmental impact and maybe even a public health problem. She was able to arrive at best practices for using marginalwaters and biosolids. The findings were communicated to government authorities and transferred into standards and directives to farmers for practical application. She then became a key policy adviser on the matter.
Akissa Bahrihas a long-standing interest in how a more integrated approach to managing water and wastewater can contribute to meeting water demand and protecting the environment. From her position as Laboratory Chief at the National Research Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forestry and the National Commission for Agricultural Water Research Programming and Evaluation she was leading, she was able to influence the research directions and the results’ transfer with a strong focus on efficient agricultural water use. She has guided national research to be most effective in resolving practical issues of agricultural water useefficiency in Tunisia. This has involved addressing the use of appropriate technology for the conditions of Tunisia, the high salinity content of most Tunisian waters, and the environmental impacts of reclaimed water and biosolids on soils, crops and groundwater.
She has not only been able (1) to assist her country to supplement its scarce water resources with reclaimed water,and to provide an environmentally safe and useful manner of biosolids recycling through land application but also (2) to seek solutions for critical challenges to water security by improving urban water and wastewater management in the growing cities of the developing world.
She has authored numerous papers and reports on the topic, including Managing the other side of water cycle: Making wastewater an asset. The paper focuses on the management of the whole water/waste cycle at the city level within an integrated approach, outlining what it will take to put into practice a sustainable approach to water supply, sanitation and reuse and how it is essential to connect city and countryside in terms of water and nutrient flows. It looks at options for closing the loop between human settlement discharges and their surrounding watersheds based on an integrated approach to water resources management. Special attention is given to the full spectrum of technical, planning, management, institutional, economic and policy aspects. Managing the Other Side of the Water Cycle is thus an important contribution towards widening the debate on the management of the “after use” part of the water and waste cycle.
The latter paper on Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) shows how IUWM, nested within the broader framework of integrated water resources management can contribute to water security in a basin or catchment by aligning the urban water sector with rural water supply, agriculture, industry, energy and the environment. And it provides guidance on implementing IUWM – covering policy, financing and management options and technological advances.
Policy and legislative issues regarding water reuse and land application of biosolids
Because of her familiarity with health and environmental issues on wastewater and biosolids, she was a member of the team that contributed to the adoption of regulations for water reuse and land application of biosolids. The results derived from her research work have been used for drafting the Tunisian policy and regulations regarding water reuse and biosolids management issued respectively in 1999 and 2007.
She has also developed an extensive practical experience in those fields, both in Tunisia, other semi-arid areas of the Mediterranean region, the Middle East and in Africa. This has led her to be also involved in drafting the “Guidelines for municipal water reuse in the Mediterranean countries” and in contributing to the drafting of the “Recycled Water Master Plan for the Abu Dhabi Emirate”.
Managing Research
From 1987 to 2005, she was responsible at the National Research Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water, and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources in Tunisia (i) from 2001-2005, for setting up and managing a laboratory for research on sustainable management of agricultural water; (ii) from 1997-2005, for coordinating the research program on irrigation and drainage funded within the context of investment projects of the World Bank, the Agricultural Sector Investment Loan (1992-1997) and the Water Sector Investment Loan (2001-2005); (iii) from 1994-2005, for leading the National Commission for Agricultural Water Research Programmingand Evaluation; and (iv) from 1980-1987, for implementing a research project (RAB 80/011) funded by UNDP on reuse of reclaimed water and biosolids in agriculture.She helped to coordinate the utilization ofloans to Tunisia targeted on increasing research capability as an element of the country’s infrastructure.
As Director for Africa at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) from 2005-2010, based in Accra (Ghana), she has been responsible to spearhead, direct and oversee research and administration offices in the Africa region (Ghana for West Africa, Ethiopia for East Africa and South Africa for Southern Africa) to achieve IWMI’s goals and act as IWMI’s representative in the geographic region. She developed the IWMI Africa strategy and business development plan and strengthened IWMI’s relationships with other regional and international organizations. She has also developed a sound and strong knowledge of development issues in Africa.
Putting knowledge into action
Currently as Coordinator of the African Water Facility (AWF) at the African Development Bank since 2010, she is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and supervising the activities undertaken by the AWF, an initiative of the African Ministers’ Council on Water. She manages a portfolio of 80 projects in 51 countries, totaling 100 million euros. She supports the ambitious goal of catalyzing the development of Africa’s water sector to help the continent achieve water security through the multiplication of water projects, in view of achieving the Africa Water Vision 2025. She is guiding the AWF to transform its €20 million annual program to address the new priorities and the technical challenges of new approaches to water resources management as well as to build new international partnerships. With a new Strategic Plan, and launched projects in Fragile States in high risk regions such as Darfur in Sudan, Somaliland in Somalia, and others, she is putting knowledge into action by introducing innovative ideas to create enabling environments and mobilize resources to ultimately help the disadvantaged communities cope with change and generate their own development.
Teaching, Training and Lectures
Akissa Bahri has built, strengthened and led teams of professionals during her career. She has developed partnerships with various organizations that led to the development of projects. Her experience in the field of water resources management and more specifically in the field of water reuse linking sanitation to reuse is highly relevant.
- 1984: GrandPrize of ScientificMeritfor Development from Guinness Foundation
- 1993:International Foundation for Science/King BaudouinAward
- 1996: Kuwait Prize in the Field of Waste Recycling from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences
- 2009 Recipient of the "Prof. C.N.R. Rao Prize for Scientific Research" awarded by the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries
Member of Academies/Organizations and Selected Professional Activities
2013- to date: Member of the Expert Committee for the review of TWAS Prize candidates in the field of Agricultural Sciences
2010-2012: Chair of the Membership Advisory Committee in Agricultural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
2011: Member of the IWA Fellows Program
2010-2011: Member of the CIRAD Scientific Committee
2009: Member of the Middle East Science Fund Regional Executive Committee
2007-2010: Member of the International Water Association Program Committee
2007: Member of the African Academy of Sciences (Nairobi, Kenya)
2006-2011: Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the Stockholm Water Symposium
2005-2011: Member of the Technical Committee of the Global Water Partnership
2005: Fulbright Scholar, Davis, California, January-June 2005
2003-2004: Member of IWMI’s Board of Governors, Sri Lanka
2003-to date: Member of the International Foundation for Science (Stockholm, Sweden) Scientific Advisory Committee in the Water Resources research area
2003: Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (Trieste, Italy)
2002-2008: Member of the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee, Stockholm, Sweden
2001-2004: Member of the Cemagref’s Specialized Commission of the Department "Equipments for Water and the Environment", France
2000: Member of the International Water Academy (Oslo, Norway)
2000-2003: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Program “Solidarité-Eau”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France
Employment History
2010- to date: Coordinator of the African Water Facility, African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia
2005-2010: Director for Africa, International Water Management Institute, Accra, Ghana
1978-2005: National Research Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water, and Forestry, Tunis, Tunisia – Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow to Director of Research
1995: Ph.D., Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Science and Technology, Lund University, Sweden.
1982: Doctor-Engineer, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France.
1977: Agricultural Engineer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie de Toulouse, France.
Relevant Publications: Books and Proceedings
Lazarova, V., Asano, T., Bahri, A. and Anderson, J. (Eds.). 2013. Milestones in water reuse – The best success stories. IWA Publishing, ISBN: 9781780400075. 408 p.
Drechsel, P., Scott, C.A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M. and Bahri, A. (Eds.). 2010.Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries. London, UK: Earthscan; Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 404 p. Accessible at http://web.idrc.ca/openebooks/475-8/
Lazarova, V. and Bahri, A. Ed. 2005. Water Reuse for Irrigation: Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass, Catalog no. 1649, ISBN: I-56670-649-I, CRC PRESS,456 p.
Brissaud, F., Bontoux, J., Mujeriego, R., Bahri, A., Nurizzo, C. and Asano, T., Eds. 2001. Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse 2001. Selected proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse, held in Paris, France, 3-6 July 2000.Water Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 10, 2001. IWA Publishing 2001.
Relevant Publications: Journal Articles
Integrated Water Resources Management - Integrated Urban Water Management
Bahri, A. 2012. Integrated urban water management, GWP TEC Background Paper No 16, May 2012, 89 p., ISBN: ISBN: 978-91-85321-87-2
Bahri, A. 2011. Towards integrated urban water management. Perspectives paper. GWP. 12 p.
Bahri, A., Sally, H., Namara, R.E., McCartney, M., Awulachew, S.B., van Koppen, B. and van Rooijen, D. 2011. Integrated Watershed Management: Towards Sustainable Solutions in Africa. In Water for food in a changing world, Contributions to the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy, Edited by Garrido, A. and Ingram, H., ISBN 0-203-82841-0 Master e-book ISBN, Published by Routledge, USA and Canada, pp. 50-72.
Obeng, L., Bahri, A. and Grobicki, A. 2010. Water Scarcity and Global Megacities. Tackling the Water Crisis. Foreign Policy Centre (FPC), London, United Kingdom. pp. 80-85.
Barry, B., Namara, R. and Bahri, A., 2009. Better rural livelihoods through improved irrigation management: Office du Niger (Mali), Chapter 6, Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice: Better Water Management for Development, Edited by Roberto Lenton and Mike Muller, GWP Publication.
Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Biosolids – Research going to Resource Recovery
Asano, A. and Bahri, A. 2010. Global challenges to wastewater reclamation and reuse.Selections from the 2010 World Water Week in Stockholm. Edited by Jan Lundqvist. www.worldwaterweek.org/onthewaterfront2010. pp. 64-72.
Scott, C.A., Drechsel, P., Raschid-Sally, L., Bahri, A. and Jimenez, B. 2010.Wastewater irrigation and health: challenges and outlook for mitigating risks in low-income countries. In Drechsel, P., Scott, C.A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M. and Bahri, A. (Eds.). Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries. London, UK: Earthscan; Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp. 381-394.
Jimenez, B., Drechsel, P., Kone, D., Bahri, A., Raschid-Sally, L. and Qadir, M. 2010.Wastewater, sludge and excreta use in developing countries: an overview. In Drechsel, P., Scott, C.A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M. and Bahri, A. (Eds.). Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries. London, UK: Earthscan; Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp. 3-27.
Bahri, A., 2010. Recycled water use in agriculture, Annex 2, Recycled Water Master Plan for the Abu Dhabi Emirate, 81 p.
Bahri, A., 2010. Water reclamation and reuse in MENA: A water demand practice, WaDImena-IFAD-CIDA, Background paper, 30 p.
Qadir, M., Bahri, A., Sato, T., and Al-Karadsheh, E. 2010. Wastewater Production, Treatment, and Irrigation in Middle East and North Africa. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 24:37–51.
Bahri, A., Cross, P., Nelson, E., Pensulo, C., Zhang, W. 2010. Ensuring Human and Environmental Health. WWW in Stockholm 16-22 August, 2009. Overarching Conclusions 2009. pp. 23-27.
Qadir, M., Wichelns, D., Raschid-Sally, L., McCornick, P.G., Drechsel, P., Bahri, A. and P.S. Minhas. 2010. The challenges of wastewater irrigation in developing countries, Agric. Water Manage. 97, 561–568.
Mahjoub, O., Leclercq, M., Bachelot, M., Casellas, C., Escande, Balaguer, P., Bahri, A., Gomez, E., and Fenet, H. 2009. Estrogen, aryl-hydrocarbon and pregnane X receptors activities in reclaimed water and irrigated soils in OuedSouhil area (Nabeul, Tunisia), Desalination, 248, pp. 104-113.
Bahri, A. 2009. Managing the other side of the water cycle: Making wastewater an asset. GWP TEC Background Paper No 13, January 2009, 66 p., ISBN: 978-91-85321-74-2.
Bahri, A. 2008. Water reuse in Middle Eastern and North African countries. In Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs, Edited by B. Jimenez and T. Asano. ISBN: 9781843390893. London, UK. 2008 IWA Publishing. Scientific and Technical Report. No. 20. pp. 27-47.
Lazarova V. and Bahri A. 2008. Water reuse practices for agriculture. In Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs, Edited by B. Jimenez and T. Asano. ISBN: 9781843390893. London, UK. 2008 IWA Publishing. Scientific and Technical Report. No. 20. pp. 199-227.
Brissaud F. and Bahri A. 2008. Trying to set a common framework to rule water reuse in the Mediterranean Region. In Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs, Edited by B. Jimenez and T. Asano. ISBN: 9781843390893. London, UK. 2008 IWA Publishing. Scientific and Technical Report. No. 20. pp. 521-543.
Bahri, A. 2008. Case Studiesin Middle Eastern and North African countries. In Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs, Edited by B. Jimenez and T. Asano. ISBN: 9781843390893. London,
UK. 2008 IWA Publishing. Scientific and Technical Report. No. 20. pp. 558-592.
Dreschel, P., Keraita, B., Amoah, P., Abaidoo, R.C., Raschid-Sally, L. and Bahri, A. 2008. Reducing health risks from wastewater use in urban and peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa: Applying the 2006 WHO guidelines. Water Science and Technology. 57: 1461-1466.
Qadir, M., D. Wichelns, L. Raschid-Sally, P. Singh Minhas, P. Drechsel, A. Bahri and Peter McCornick. 2007. Agricultural use of marginal-quality water - opportunities and challenges. In: D. Molden (Ed.) Water for Food, Water for Life. A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. Chapter 11. London: Earthscan and Colombo: International Water Management Institute, p. 425-457.
Bahri, A. and Brissaud, F. 2004. Setting up water reuse guidelines for the Mediterranean,Wat. Sci. Tech., Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse IV, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 39-46.
Bahri, A. and Brissaud F., 2002. Guidelines for municipal water reuse in the Mediterranean countries, prepared for WHO/EURO Project Office, Mediterranean Action Plan (World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe), December 2002, 42 p. + annexes.
Bahri, A. 2002. Réutilisation agricole des eaux usées, Agridoc – Revue thématique, octobre 2002, No. 4, pp. 22-23.
Bahri, A., Basset, C., Oueslati, F. and Brissaud, F. 2001. Reuse of reclaimed wastewater for golf course irrigation in Tunisia, Wat. Sci. Tech., Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 117-124.
Bahri, A. 2001. Urban and peri-urban water-related relationships: closing the loops, Envir. Manag. and Health, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 364-376.
Olsson, J., Berndtsson, R., Bahri, A., Persson, M. and Kenji, J. 2001. Nonlinear and scaling spatial properties of soil geochemical element contents, Wat. Resour. Res., Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 1031-1042.
Bahri, A., Basset, C. and Jrad-Fantar, A. 2000. Agronomic and health aspects of storage ponds located on a golf course irrigated with reclaimed wastewater in Tunisia, Wat. Sci. Tech., Waste Stabilisation Ponds: Technology and the Environment, Vol. 42, No. 10-11, pp. 399-406.
Bahri, A. 1999. Agricultural reuse of wastewater and global water management, Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 40, No. 4-5, pp. 339-346.
Bahri, A., 1999. La reutilizaciód’aigües residuals a Tunisia, In: Recursosd’aigua, FundacióAgbar, December 1999, Chapter 24, 398-414.
Bahri, A. 1998. Wastewater reclamation and reuse in Tunisia, In: Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse, Water Quality Management Library, Vol. 10, ed. T. Asano, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., 877-916.
Bahri, A. 1998. Fertilizing value and polluting load of reclaimed wastewater in Tunisia, Wat. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 3484-3489.
Bahri, A. and R. Berndtsson. 1996. Nitrogen source impact on the spatial variability of organic carbon and nitrogen in soil, Soil Sci., 161:288-297.
Bahri, A. 1987. Utilization of treated wastewaters and sewage sludge in agriculture in Tunisia, Desalin., 67, 233-244.
Berndtsson, R. and A. Bahri. 1996. Soil water, soil chemical, and crop variations in a clay soil, Hydrol. Sci. J., 41 (2): 171-178.
Bahri, A. and F. Brissaud. 1996. Wastewater reuse in Tunisia - Assessing a national policy, Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol. 33, No. 10-11, pp. 87-94.
Berndtsson, R., and A. Bahri. 1995. Field variation of element concentrations in wheat and soil. Soil Sci., 159:311-320.
Bahri, A., R. Berndtsson, and K. Jinno. 1993. Spatial dependence of geochemical elements in a semi-arid agricultural field. I. Scale properties, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 57, 1316-1322.
Berndtsson, R., A. Bahri, and K. Jinno. 1993. Spatial dependence of major and trace elements in a semi-arid agricultural field. 2. Geostatistical properties, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 57, 1323-1329.
Bahri, A. 1992. Impacts of a municipal sewage sludge application on the hydraulics of a drainage network and on the quality of drainage waters (in French), Science du Sol, 30, 2, 57-74.
Bahri, A. 1988. L'utilisation des eaux usées et des boues résiduaires dans l'agriculture tunisienne, "L'Eau et le Maghreb, un aperçu sur le présent, l'héritage et l'avenir", UNDP Publication, 37-42.
Bahri, A. and B. Houmane. 1987. Effet de l'épandage des eaux usées traitées et des boues résiduaires sur les caractéristiques d'un sol sableux de Tunisie, Science du Sol, 25, 4, 267-278.
Water and Soil Salinity management
Bouksila, F., Bahri, A., Berndtsson, R., Persson, M., Rozema, J., and van der Zee, S., 2013. Assessment of soil salinization risks under irrigation with brackish water in semiarid Tunisia, Environmental and Experimental Botany (2013), Volume 92, August 2013, pp. 176–185.
Bouksila, F., Persson, M., Bahri A. and R. Berndtsson, 2012. Electromagnetic induction prediction of soil salinity and groundwater properties in a Tunisian Saharan oasis, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2012.717701
Selim, T., Hamed, Y., Bouksila, F., Berndtsson, R., Bahri, A. and Persson, M. 2011. Field experiment and numerical simulation of point source irrigation in sandy soil with multiple tracers. Hydrological Sciences Journal (submitted).
Bouksila F., Persson M., Berndtsson R. and Bahri A., 2010. Estimating soil salinity over a shallow saline water table in semi-arid Tunisia. TheOpen Hydrology Journal, 2010, 4, pp. 91-101.
Bouksila, F., Persson, M., Berndtsson, R. and Bahri, A. 2009. Reply to discussion of Soil water content and salinity determination using different dielectric methods in saline gypsiferous soil. Hydrological Sciences Journal 54 (1): 213-214.
Marlet, S., Bouksila, F. and Bahri, A. 2009. Water and salt balance at irrigation scheme scale: a comprehensive approach for salinity assessment in a Saharan oasis, Agricultural Water Management 96, 1311–1322.
Bouksila F., Persson M., Berndtsson R. and Bahri A., 2008. Soil water content and salinity determination using different dielectric methods in saline gypsiferous soil, Hydrol. Sci. J.53(1), 253-265. http://www.atypon-link.com/IAHS/doi/abs/10.1623/hysj.53.1.253.
Yasuda, H., Berndtsson, R., Persson, H., Bahri, A. and Takuma, K. 2001. Characterizing preferential transport during flood irrigation of a heavy clay soil using dye VitasynBlau, Geoderma, 100, pp. 49-66.
Yasuda, H., R. Berndtsson, H. Persson, A. Bahri, and K. Jinno. 1998. Lateral bromide distribution in a vertic clay soil, Soil Sci., 163, 544-555.
Yasuda, H., R. Berndtsson, A. Bahri, H. Persson, A. Gullberg, and K. Jinno. 1994. Spatial correlation analysis of two-dimensional solute transport in the unsaturated zone. In: K. W. Hipel (ed.), Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, 127-138.
Yasuda, H., R. Berndtsson, A. Bahri, and K. Jinno. 1994. Plot-scale solute transport in a semi-arid agricultural soil,Soil Sci. Am. J., 58: 1052-1060.
Bahri, A. 1993. Salinity evolution in an irrigated area in the Lower Medjerda Valley in Tunisia (in French), Science du Sol, 31, 3, 125-140.
Water and Soil Management
Bahri, A. 2011. Growing thirsty – The effects of water scarcity and variability on the socio-economic transformation in Africa. Stockholm Water Front, SIWI, pp. 9-11.
Jebari, S., Berndtsson, R., Lebdi F. and Bahri, A. 2012. Historical aspects of soil erosion in the Mejerda catchment, Tunisia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2012.685741
Jebari, S., Berndtsson, R., Olsson, J. and Bahri A. 2012. Soil erosion estimation based on rainfall disaggregation. Journal of Hydrology, 436–437, pp. 102–110.
Jebari, S., Berndtsson, R., Bahri A. and Boufaroua, M. 2010. Spatial soil loss risk and reservoir siltation in semi-arid Tunisia. Hydrol. Sci. J.,55, pp. 121-137.
Jebari S., Berndtsson R., Bahri A. and Boufaroua M. 2008. Exceptional rainfall characteristics related to erosion risk in semiarid Tunisia, Open Hydrol. J. 9, pp. 25-33.
Jebari, S., Berndtsson, R., Lebdi, F., Bahri, A., 2008. Sediment, discharge, and precipitation variation in the wadiMellegue catchment during the last 50 years.Annales de l’INRGREF, 11, pp. 116–122.
Jebari S., Berndtsson R., Uvo C. and Bahri A.2007.Regionalizing short-term rainfall affected by topography in semiarid Tunisia. Hydrol. Sci. J., Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 1199–1215.
Berndtsson, R., Falkenmark, M., Lindh, G., Bahri, A. and Jinno, K., 2005. Educating the compassionate water engineer – a remedy to avoid future water management failures?Hydr. Sci. J., 50 (1), pp. 7-15.
Bahri, A., and S. El Amami. 1989. Les ouvrages hydrauliques traditionnels et l'équilibre régional: Le Kairouanais (Tunisie), Histoire de développement, Cahiers de l'Institut d'Etudes Sociales de Lyon, 5, March, 18-21.
Bahri, A. 1985. Expanded horizons: Learning from another country, pp. 344-347, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 12, Number 6, December 1985.
El Amami, S. and A. Bahri. 1983. Les alternatives hydrauliques dans le Kairouanais, GREDET, Tunisie, Quelles technologies? Quel développement? 239-244.
Teaching, Training and Lectures
2013: Keynote speaker at the 9th IWA International Conferenceon Watereuse”, Windhoek, Namibia, 27-31October 2013.
2013: Presentation on “Water Resources Management and Hydropower in Africa - Enhancing Water-Food-Energy Security”, 44th World Chemistry Congress IUPAC“Clean Energy Through Chemistry”12 August, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
2013: Presentation at the Conference on Grand Challenges and Integrated Innovations: Science for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development, IAP – The Global Network of Science Academies, Theme “Enhancing access to safe water and sanitation”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24-27 February 2013.
2011: Keynote presentation at the Workshop on the Urban shadowentitled “The urban shadow and the water challenges”, World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-26 August, 2011.
2010: Lecturer on “Water reclamation and reuse in MENA: A water demand practice”, IDRC/AWA-Course on Water Demand Management, Abu Dhabi 4-6 January 2010, Cairo 1-3 March 2010
2007-2011: Lecturer on “Water supply, sanitation and reuse”, Sida's International Training Program "Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation - Integrated Processes", Lund University
2004: Lecturer on "Water reuse", ENIT, 5-7 June 2004, Tunis,Tunisia
2003: Lecturer on "Water reuse", CITET, 23-25 September, Tunis, Tunisia
2003: Speaker at the Third World Water Forum, Middle East Day on “Water reuse in the Middle East, North Africa and Mediterranean countries”, 16-23 March 2003, Kyoto, Japan
2002: Speaker at the Conference “Stockholm thirty years on” titled“Water scarcity and agricultural development - The Tunisian case”, 17-18 June 2002, Stockholm, Sweden
2000: Speaker at the Euro-SummerSchool "DESAR" Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse, June 18-23, 2000, Wageningen, The Netherlands
2000: Speaker at the Water Week 2000,”The experience and challenges of reuse of wastewater and sludge in Tunisia”, 3-4 April 2000, World Bank, Washington D.C., USA
2000: Lectureron "Use of sewage sludge in agriculture and soil reclamation", Mexico, 21-25 February 2000
1999: Speaker at the 9th Stockholm Water Symposium on “Alternative water management approaches to ensure environmentally sound urban and peri-urban water-related relationships - Closing the links”, Stockholm, Sweden, 9-12 August 1999
1999: Speaker at the 5th General Assembly of the AfricanAcademy of Science,“Achievements and prospects of water resources development and management in Tunisia – The research output”, 25 p., Hammamet, Tunisia, 23-27 April 1999
1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000: Lecturer in postgraduate courses on Wastewater Reuse at the National Agronomical Institute of Tunis, and the Faculty of Sciences (Tunisia)
1985 to 2000: Lecturer in the Advanced International Training Program "Water Resources Development in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions", LundUniversity (Sweden) on the use of brackish water, wastewater and sewage sludge in agriculture
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L'accent devrait porter sur les aspects qualitatifs,dans les divers domaines mentionnés.En outre,des mots-clés devraient être utilisés afin de faciliter l'appréciation des diverses activités-recherche,enseignement,etc....Un hommage post-hume devrait être rendu à feu Slaheddine Amami,ancien chercheur au sein de l'INRAT,et ses contributions uniques,et l'apport des divers chercheurs dans le cadre des rapports et papiers mentionnés,il faut alléger ce"who is Who"afin que le lecteur,que ce soit "profane"ou "chevronné"puisse suivre l'ensemble des actions.

Impressionnant ! Impressionnant et troublant : cette gemme est restée inconnue du (grand) public jusqu'à ce jour ! N'est-ce pas un impardonnable crime à l'égard de cette pauvre nation, si riche en personnalités de haute classe, et si pauvre en réalisations vitales ? J'en suis malade, j'aurais préféré continuer à n'en rien savoir !

The audience has hard time to appreciate the worthwhileness of the documents presented in the so-called"who is who"and teha uthor is well advised to provide for an"addendum"since many references are not "clear"and not"verifiable."Reference is made to"lecturing"post-graduate courses at INAT,Tunis with no details,also such "post graduate courses did not exist between 1995 and 2000,since the"LMD"framework did start in Tunisia,only in 2006,while the "Boulogna Framework started in the EU in 1999,these are facts,also,the author of this"cv"should keep in mind the audience,be it"lay people",academia or business-oriented,also,the reader would be interested in the first author's output,not the number 3 or number5,usually"et al"is used to save space!The emphasis should be palced on"quality"not "quantity."namely,"the lesser,the better!"

this"who is who"is rather lenghy and may not be of interest to the audience,sinci it doesn't respect the universal principles such as :objectivity,fiability,verifiability,clarity,transparancy,brievity,precision,actuality,and deontology."et al"is the expression to be used whenever more than one author is involved,and this is a must,for undergraduate or graduate students,while in this case ,such an expression is not used,because the reader is not supposed to search for who" did what",as this is a waste of time,this shows that this author is supposed to provide for an erratum,or a corrigendum,so as help the reader to appreciate the "value"of the"garbage"presented.