Professor Kamel Jedidi
Dr. Kamel Jedidi is the John A. Howard Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York. He is the founder and Director of the Master of Science in marketing program at Columbia University. Previously, he has served as the Chairman of the Marketing Department and a member of Columbia Business School Executive Committee. He also served as member of the Promotion and Tenure Committee and Columbia University Senate.
Dr. Jedidi holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Faculté des Sciences Economiques de Tunis and Master and Ph.D. degrees in Marketing and Statistics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is the valedictorian of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques de Tunis in 1982 and received President Bourguiba's award for outstanding scholastic achievement.
Dr. Jedidi has been teaching at Columbia University since 1987, where he has taught New Product Development, Marketing Research, and Marketing Strategy. He has also taught and conducted research at several institutions including New York University, Microsoft Research, New York, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Koch University, Turkey, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Germany, the School of International Management at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts & Chaussées (ENPC), Faculte des Sciences Economiques de Tunis, and the Mediterranean School of Business, Tunis.
He has published more than fifty publications in leading marketing journals, the most recent of which have appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. His research interests include pricing, product design and positioning, and market segmentation. He was awarded the 1998 International Journal of Research in Marketing Best Article Award and the Marketing Science Institute 2000 Best Paper Award. He was also finalist for 2009 Paul Green Award for the Journal of Marketing Research and for the 2009 Long-term Impact Paper Award for Marketing/Management Science. Dr. Jedidi is senior Editor for the Consumer Needs and Solutions Journal and serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, and the Journal of Classification.
Dr. Jedidi is a Trustee of the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB), a Board Member of the Tunisian American Business Council, and a member of the Academic Council of ENPC’s School of International Management. Dr. Jedidi has conducted seminars at several business conferences and universities. He has also spoken at and consulted with several multinational companies.
Demographic Information:
Born December 31, 1958 in Sousse
Family lives in TOUZA, Monastir
Bac 1978, Lycee de Garcons de Monastir
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En tant que Lycéen de cette époque (LGS), je suis absolument admiratif de cette belle pléiade de brillants élèves intelligents, ambitieux, persévérants et qui honorent les tunisiens et cet esprit tunisien qui a été apprécié dans Les Grandes Institutions comme d'authentiques génies qui servent le prestige de notre beau pays.Merci

félicitation fierté de la Tunisie

belle personne doublé d une competence academique brillantissime