Les Tunisiens de Dubaï relancent leur Business Council, Abderraouf El May nouveau président
Se donnant de nouvelles ailes après le 14 janvier, la communauté tunisienne d’affaires établie aux Emirats Arabes Unis relance ses deux instances, les Tunisian Business Council (TBC), à Abu Dhabi et Dubaï. C’est ainsi que l’assemblée générale du TBC Dubaï, tenue la semaine dernière au siège de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie a réunit près d’une soixantaine de chefs d’entreprises et cadres supérieurs qui ont procédé, notamment au renouvellement du bureau directeur. Sur 13 candidats, ils ont élu une équipe formée de 9 personnes, portant à sa présidence, Abderraouf El May, banquier,
fondateur de Medtel Consult. Le nouveau bureau se compose comme suit :
- Président : Abderraouf El May (Medtel Consult)
- Secrétaire général : Mohamed Hadi Mejai (Sanabil Venture Capital)
- Vice-Président : Néjib Zaafrani (Dubai Supreme Council of Energy)
- Vice-Président: Mohamed Halwani (IGS)
- Vice-Président: Zohra Abidi (Tranlation Vission)
- Trésorier : Anis Chamgui (Morgan Stanley)
- Secrétaire-général Adjoint : Ferdaous Chekili ( Emirates NBD Bank)
- Membre : Habib Fekih (Airbus Insdustries ME)
- Membre : Mohamed Yassine (Asmak)
Se dédier à la Tunisie
Les travaux de cette assemblée générale se sont déroulés, de l’avis de nombreux participants, dans une excellente ambiance, marquée par une forte volonté de renforcer les rangs et de s’inscrire pleinement dans la transition démocratique et la relance économique en Tunisie. Le président sortant, Abdelwahab Chaabane, qui a préféré se retirer, a su assurer une passation de qualité. La présence de Hassen El Hachemi, directeur des relations extérieures de la Chambre ainsi que du Conseiller Economique près de l’ambassade de Tunisie à Abu Dhabi et du Consul de Tunisie à Dubaï, traduit une sollicitude particulière. Aussi, le TBC d’Abu Dhabi, présidé par Mohamed Damak, a tenu à prendre part avec une délégation bien fournie, marque la totale synergie des Tunisiens aux Emirats.
Fondé en 1999, le TBC Dubaï, sous forme d’association sans but lucratif, s’emploie à promouvoir les échanges économiques entre les deux pays et les contacts d’affaires. La nouvelle équipe entend lui imprimer, avec toutes les nouvelles opportunités qui s’offrent en Tunisie, notamment avec l’assainissement du climat d’affaires, un grand élan. « Notre nouveau logo auquel nous avons ajouté l’arbre d’olivier au centre, déclare Abderraouf El May à Leaders, est un message à notre cher peuple tunisien que nous sommes attaches plus que jamais a notre Peuple et a notre chère Patrie, pour lui dire et que nous resterons mobilisés comme nous l’avons été depuis le 14 Janvier , pour apporter notre contribution, et aider à sortir notre chère Tunisie de l’impasse dans laquelle nous nous trouvons actuellement. »
Abderraouf El May (President)
Abderraouf, age 51, is a Tunisian born, Swiss national, residing in Dubai, UAE since 2004.
Beginning in 1984, Raouf developed extensive experience in the Private Banking and Family Office Business in Geneva, Switzerland.
Abderraouf was Member of the management of Bank Leu ltd (Credit Suisse Group) in Geneva, Switzerland,(1984-1994} and then joined Credit Agricole (Suisse) as Vice President - Middle East and was part of the team that founded the Credit Agricole Bank in Egypt.(1994-1999). He completed his banking career as Director of Middle East Department with Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank (Switzerland) in Geneva(1999-2001).
During his banking career, he built a large network and strong business relations in the MENA region with High Net Worth individuals and corporations, acting as their financial investment advisor in a wide array of projects.
In 2001 he joined Technoram Holding, exclusive partner of Alcatel-Lucent group in Egypt, as acting Chief Investment Officer and Board member.
Since 2004 and in order to consolidate the presence in the Gulf region, he established in Dubai and started to actively invest for Medtel and on behalf of HNW partners in the MENA region either through direct investments or through the financial markets though benefiting from his 20 years experience in this field.
Raouf El May holds a Masters in Finance from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Tunis.
Affiliations :
President of the Executive Committee of the Tunisian Business Council – Dubai (UAE)
Member of Swiss Business Council (Dubai) , ,
Member of Dubai Chambre of Commerce and Industry.
Member of Egyptian American Chamber (Cairo – Egypt)
Mohamed Hedi Mejai (Secretary General)
Mohamed Hedi Mejai is a banker and an entrepreneur. He is is a shareholder in an investment bank in UAE and a venture capital firm and founder of Arken Capital, a real estate and investment company in Tunisia. He currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of an investment bank in UAE. He served as an Executive Director and Head of Investment and Business Development of an investment bank in Bahrain. Before that, Mohamed Hedi worked over 8 years for the Islamic Development Bank, a multilateral financing institution based in Saudi Arabia (IDB) as Division Chief, Investment and Marketing, and then CEO of an affiliate venture capital Fund based in UAE. Mohamed Hedi was also a founding core team member of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, a multilateral financing institution based in Saudi Arabia and affiliated with IDB. He also occupied several board memberships of banks, investment funds and companies in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Germany and France. Mohamed Hedi completed the IDB-Management Development Program at London Business School (UK) and holds a Master's degree in Development Economics from the University of London-SOAS (UK), and an MBA degree from Theseus International Institute/EDHEC, (France).
has joined Dubai Supreme Council of Energy as Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer in May 2010, with the chief objective to secure energy sustainability for the Emirate of Dubai. He has 32 years of international experience in the energy business with extensive knowledge of governance of major Joint Ventures, New Business Development and Business Relationship building. Prior to his current position, Nejib worked for Royal Dutch Shell Group since 1980. He was Chairman and Managing Director of Shell Abu Dhabi. A position he took up in January 2007. Nejib was in charge of overseeing all Shell business interests in Abu Dhabi. He was the Board Director of both ADCO and GASCO major Joint Ventures and Director of ADPC. He has been an active member of the Abu Dhabi Petroleum Institute Governing Board and the Emirates Foundation Science and Technology Advisory Council. Prior to that, Nejib was Regional Vice President, Strategic Alliances Middle East, Caspian and South Asia for Shell Exploration and Production International Ltd from October 2001 to December 2006.
Nejib graduated in 1977 with a Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Sciences in Paris and a Petroleum Engineering Degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieur du Pétrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM) – Institut Français du Petrol (IFP) in 1978. He started his career with the Tunisian National Oil Company, ETAP in 1978, prior to join Royal Dutch Shell Group.
He is a member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the Arab Energy Club (AEC) and several Business Groups in the UAE.
ANIS GHAMGUI (Treasurer)
Executive Director @ Morgan Stanley
Anis runs the institutional sales team of Morgan Stanley Investment Management in Middle East and North Africa. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2010 and has 12 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the firm, Anis worked at Standard and Poor's Index Services covering institutional Investors and Asset managers relationships in the Middle East and Europe. He received a BSc in Business & Auditing from Facultes des Sciences economiques et de Gestion de Sfax -Tunisia.
HABIB FEKIH (Board Member)
CEO, Airbus Middle East
Habib Fekih heads Airbus Middle East subsidiary, established in 2006, the fourth such subsidiary Airbus has established following those based in the United States, China and Japan.
Fekih is in charge of GCC countries as well as Yemen, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.
With more than 30 years of aviation experience 20 of them at Airbus , Fekih is a veteran in his field and has played a major role in developing and expanding the regional aviation industry.
He began his professional career in 1976 with Tunis Air, where he held various positions over a period of ten years. In May 1986 he joined Airbus as sales director for North Africa, becoming Middle East sales
vice-president two years later. In July 1999, Fekih was promoted to deputy senior vice-president for business development then to senior vice-president in July 2000. In June 2001, he was appointed CEO of TASC.
Habib Fekih was born in Mezdour, Tunisia, in April 1952. After graduating from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications in Paris, he obtained a degree in Avionics from the Ecole Nationale Superieure de L'Aeronautique et de L'Espace in Toulouse.
FERDAOUS CHEKILI (Assistant Secretary General)
Responsable Salle des Marchés - Emirates NBD Bank
Ferdaous a fait ses études universitaires à Paris couvertes par une bourse de l’Etat Tunisien
Années Preparatoires au Lycée Louis-Le-Grand à Paris 5
Ecole d'ingénieur: ENSIIE (Groupe Centrale-Supelec) Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise à Every - Ile-de-France
Master Probabilités et Finance a l'Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
Depuis 2003: elle travaille en salle de marché : 3 ans chez Calyon à Londres, 1 an chez HSBC à Paris puis Emirates NBD à Dubai depuis 2008)
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