Who's Who - 07.10.2015
Salem Hamdi

Diploma obtained universities and dates
- Bs.CRural Engineering National Agronomic Institute Tunis 1977
- Ms.C Rural Engineering jointly from National Agronomic Institute Tunis and Paris Grignon1979
- Ph.D. Unified Engineering Kansas State University USA 1986 (equivalence au Doctorat d’Etat) 1986
- Department head of food Engineering (1988-1990)
- Director of Engineering Centre (1988-1990)
- Designer of atomic use for food preservation
- Research associate in Agricultural Engineering Department KSU USA (1991-1992)
- Vice director of the school of food industries since 1995
- Full professor since 2000
- Designer and responsible of the Master's and Ph.D. degree programs created in the schoolsince 2002
- General director of the school of food industries August 2009 -January 2011
- Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Environment in charge of environment January 2011- December 2011
- Head of food safety section in the Tunisian Institute of Global Security: since 2013
- Member of people parliament December 2014
Research and teaching activities
- Researcher in the rural research centre (1979-1980)
- in charge of the department of renewal energies ; Conception and design of a solar dryer (free and forced convection) ; Associated with research related to desalt irrigation water
- Technical advisor of the FAO program: Mechanical harvesting of olives FAO-IRAQ
- Enrolled in the Ph.D. program in the USA (1981-1986)
- Assistant professor in the college of food technologies 1987
- Associate researcher in USA Kansas State University (1991-1992).
- Computer simulation program of pesticide propagation through different types of soils including on non-linear chemical reaction
- Principle proposal designer for fund renewal of the Environmental Protection Agency EPA : USA
- Associate professor in the college of food technologies 1992
- Vice dean of the college of food technologies since 1995
- Professor since February 2000
- National expert for the deputy minister of scientific research (project funds) 1995-1997
- FAO national expert for developing aspergilla’s production and transformation 1997
- National expert for the study of strategic position of processed Tunisian food products 2001
Research areas
Drying and food handling
- Conception and design of a solar dryer for food products : linkage project with Kansas State University USA
- Drying of fruit and vegetables
- Drying of meat and fish
- Date post harvest technologies
- Evaluation of sorption isotherms and activation energies of Tunisian dates
- Wetting and dehydration of Tunisian dates
- Toxic gas adsorption by Tunisian dates and eventual chemical reaction
Mathematical modelling of heat and mass transfer
- Pesticide diffusion through the soil
- Salt migration within Tunisian cheese and itsimpact on the quality
- Mathematical modelling of heat and mass transfer in wheat storage bins
- Mathematical modelling of heat processing of can sterilisation
- Mathematical modelling of shelf life of food products
Emulsion science applied to food industry
- Encapsulation of mineral in dairy food
- Encapsulation of beta carotene in yogurt and cheese
Research interest
- Mathematical modelling of microbial growth
- Mathematical modelling of shelf life deterioration of food products
- Kinetics of chemical and biochemical deterioration of food products
- Applied emulsions science in food industry
Student advising
- Master's and Ph.D. dissertations adviser
- Project reports of Bs.C. degrees
Adaptive research
- Conception and design of the college pilot plant
- Design and conception of a solar dryer
- Conception and design of a refrigerated air dryer
- Conception and design of real time moist tester for dates
Teaching activities
1987 to 1992
- Heat and mass transfer (senior level)
- Unit operations
- Drying
- Absorption
- Evaporation and distillation
- Numerical analysis
Since 1992
- Heat and mass transfer
- Mathematical modelling of heat and mass transfer in food products
- Drying of food products ; Since 2002 Graduate courses (Master's and Ph.D. levels)
- Mathematical modelling of food processing engineering
International meetings
- International meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering Chicago (1984), Presentation of an article related to mechanical harvesting of olives. Elected member in a comity for ways of saving energy in the USA.
- International meeting of heat and mass transfer held in Algiers Algeria 1989, Presenting a paper: Heat and mass transfer in a rock storage unit, Elected president of a session
- Second Saudi Symposium on food and Nutrition Riyadh 1994, presented a paper:Water vapour sorption of Tunisian dates.
- International meeting of hazardous waste treatment in Denver Colorado 1992 :Presented a paper: Solution of non-linear Freundlich adsorption of pesticide
- FAO meeting in Elche Spain 1996: Dates Post harvest technology, Presented Humidification of dry Tunisian dates, International FAO meeting in Teheran 1999. Presented: Tunisian dates post harvest technologies.
- Environment and sustained development in Tunisiareality and prospects(Arabic)
- Tunisian agriculture and future challenges(French) “under press”
Scientific papers
- Sorption Isotherms and activation energies of water vapor by limestone rocks:HAMDI, S., Eckhoff, S.R., and Spillman, C.K. Transaction of the ASAE: 30(1) 238-240.1987.
- Development of a rock thermal model with moisture: HAMDI, S., and Spillman, C.K., Agricultural Engineering Journal 1987
- Etude de la cinétique de séchage des raisins: HAMDI, S., Nafti, A. et Zitoun, K. Annales de l’Institut National de Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie. Vol. 63, Fasc. 13. 1990.
- Adsorption de la phosphine par les dattes fumigées. 1991. HAMDI, S. et HAMDI M. 1991. Fruits. Vol. 46 No. 5 1991 Elsevier Paris France.
- Maturation Artificielle et séchage des dattes Deglet Nour. 1991. HAMDI, S. et HAMDI, M. 1991. Fruits Vol 46 No. 5 1991 Elsevier Pris France.
- Etudes des différents types de séchage sur la capsaincine du piment de la variété Baklouti. Nafti, A. et HAMDI, S. 1990. Annales de l’Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie 65(1,2).
- Freundlich Adsorption and its impact on the non linear chemical transport model. 1992. HAMDI, S., Steichen, J.M., Schwab, A.P. et Barnes, P.L. Proceedings of the hazardous waste research conferences. June 1992. Denver Colorado USA.
- Adsorption of water vapour by Tunisian dates. 1994. HAMDI, S. and Jendoubi, M. Proceedings of the Second Saudi Symposium on Food and Nutrition. 1994.
- Migration des sucres dans la Kenta de Gabes. HAMDI S. 1995. Fruits, 1995 vol.50 p 230-237. Elsevier Paris France.
- Influence de la fumigation au bromure de méthyle sur la composition chimique des dattes tunisiennes. Hassouna M. Ghrir, R., Mahjoub, A., et HAMDI, S. 1995. Fruits vol 49, No 3 p 197-204.
- Adsorption de la vapeur d’eau par les dattes tunisiennes. 1996. HAMDI, S. Fruits 1996, vol 51 p 179-184 Elsevier Paris France.
- Détermination des isothermes de sorption des dattes Deglet Nour entreposées en Tunisie. 1999. Achour, M. HAMDI, S. et Benzarti L. Fruits 1999. vol 54, no. 2, p 123-128. Elsevier Paris France.
- Date Palm Post processing technologies in Tunisia. 1999. HAMDI, S. FAO Proceedings 1999. p 164-170.
- Nutritional composition of Zizyphus lotus seeds L. Moncef Chouaibi, Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Laila Rzig, Franscesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari, and Salem Hamdi.Journal of the science of food and agricultur.2012,921171-1177.
- Physicochemical and interfacial tension properties of Zizyphus lotus polysaccharide. Moncef Chouaibi, Nesrine Mahfoudhi, laila Rzig, Franscesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari, and Salem Hamdi. Proceedings, TJASSST 2013 Hammaet, Tunisie
- Chemical characteristics of Pumkin Seed Oil Proceedings TJASSST 2012 Hammamet Tunisie
- Study of interfacial properties of O.ficus-indica cladodes extracts at oil/water interfaces and it potentiality to formulation.M. Chouaibi ,K. Souidi , F. Boury , S. Hamdi , A. Omari , F. Leal Calderon.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011.
- Quality, stability and radical scavenging activity of olive oils after Chétoui olives (Olea europaea L) storage under modified atmospheres; Linda Ben Yahia, Béchir Baccouri, Youssef Ouni and Salem Hamdi ; Food Science and Technology International. 2011.
- Physicochemical, rheological, interfacial tension and emulsifying properties of vegetable edible and Zizyphus lotus seed oils; Moncef chouaibi, nesrine mahfoudhi, laila Rzig, Franscesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari, Salem Hamdi.Submitted to theJournal of the American chemist's oil society. 2012.
- Extraction by response surface methodology of Zizyphus lotus polysaccharide; Moncef Chouaibi, Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Laila Rzig, Franscesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari, Salem Hamdi (submitted to the journal: polymer carbohydrates).
- Chemical composition and functional properties of gum exudates from the trunk of the Almond (Prunus dulcis) . (2012).Journal of Food Science and Technology International. 18(3), 241- 250.Mahfoudhi, N., Chouaibi, M., Donsi, F., Ferrari, G., Hamdi, S
- Effectiveness of almond gum trees exudate as a novel edible coating for improving postharvest quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruits.Journal of Food Science and TechnologyInternational. DOI: 10.1177/1082013212469617.Mahfoudhi, N., Chouaibi, M., Hamdi, S. (2013)..
- Optimization of conditions for the preparation of oilin- water emulsions stabilized with almond gum using response surface methodology: comparison with gum arabic.FoodHydrocolloids (in press). Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Mariarenata Sessa, Moncef Chouaibi, Francesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari and Salem Hamdi. (2013).
- A Comparative Study on Physicochemical, Rheological and Surface Tension Properties of Tunisian Jujube (Zizyphus lotus L.) Seed and Vegetable Oils. Chouaibi, M., Mahfoudhi, N., Rezig, L., Donsi, F., Ferrari, G., Hamdi, S. (2012). International Journal ofFood Engineering. 8(2), DOI 10.1515/1556-3758.2759.
- Physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant Activities of Zizyphus lotus L. Seed oil. Journal of Food Biochemistry. .(2012) DOI 10.1111/jfbc.12006.Chouaibi, M., Rezig, L., Mahfoudhi, N., Arafa, S., Donsi, F., Ferrari, G., and Hamdi, S
- Chemical characteristics of water soluble polysaccharide of Zizyphis Lotus polysaccharide. Proceedings, TJASSST 2013 Hammamet Tunisie
- Optimization of extraction by process surface methodology of polysaccharide from Zizyphus lotus fruits. International journal of food Engineering (2012).. 8(3), DOI: 10.1515/1556-3758.2756Chouaibi, M., Rezig, L., Ben Daoued, K., Mahfoudhi, N., Bouhafa, H., Hamdi, S.
- Chemical composition and profile characterization of pumpkin (Curcubita maxima) seed oil. Industrial crops and products 2013 37,82-87
- Potentialités de l’opuntia ficus indica et de zizyphis lotus à l’encapsulation pour les industries alimentaires, cosmétiques et pharmaceutiques 14ème journée sur les resultants de la recherché agricole 6-7 Décembre 2007 Hammamet Tunisie
- Etude des propriétés interfaciales des extraits de l’Opuntia Ficus Indica et leurs aptitudes à la formulation des produits alimentaires 14ème Journée scientifique sur les résultats de la recherche agricole. 2007, Hammamet Tunisie
- Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) Seed Proteins: Sequential Extraction Processing and Fraction Characterization(2013)..J. Agric. Food Chem.61 (32), 7715–7721Leila Rezig, Farhat Chibani, Moncef Chouaibi, Michèle Dalgalarrondo, Kamel Hessini,Jacques Guéguen, and Salem Hamdi.
- Quality, stability and radical scavenging activity of olive oils after Chétoui olives (Olea europaea L.) storage under modified atmospheres.Food Science and Technology International. 18(4), 353-365BEN YAHIA Linda, BACCOURI (2012).. Béchir, OUNI Youssef and Salem HAMDI.
- Influence of storage time and heating on antioxidant activity and the chemical composition of some Tunisian organic flavoured Virgin Olive Oils . (2013)..Food Science and Technology International. In Press BEN YAHIA Linda, OUNI Youssef, MAHFOUDHI Nesrine, BOUMAIZA Imen et Salem HAMDI
- Physicochemical and bioactive properties of six honey samples from various floral origins from Tunisia (2014), Arabian Journal of Chemistry: Amel Boussaid,,Moncef Chouaibi,, Leila Rezig, Raoudha Hellal, Francesco Donsì, Giovanna Ferrari,et Salem Hamdi
- Use of Almond Gum and Gum Arabic as Novel Edible Coating to Delay Postharvest Ripening and to Maintain Sweet Cherry (Prunus Avium) Quality during Storage. Journal of food Processing and Preservation2014: Nesrine Mahfoudhi and Salem Hamdi
- Kinetic Degradation and Storage Stability of β-Carotene Encapsulated by Freeze-Drying Using Almond Gum and Gum Arabic as Wall Materials Journal of food Processing and Preservation2014: Nesrine Mahfoudhi, and Salem Hamdi
- Kinetic degradation and storage stability of β-carotene encapsulated by spray drying using almond gum and gum arabic as wall materials.Journal of Polymer Engineering2014: Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Salem Hamdi
- Physicochemical, Rheological and Thermal Properties of Six Types of Honey from Various Floral Origins in Tunisia. International Journal of Food properties2014: Amel Boussaid, Moncef Chouaibi, Leila Rezig, Rafik Missaoui, Francesco Donsí, Giovanna Ferrari, and Salem Hamdi.
- Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) Seed Proteins: Sequential Extraction Processing and Fraction Characterization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry2014: Leila Rezig, Farhat Chibani, Moncef Chouaibi,Michèle Dalgalarrondo, Kamel Hessini, Jacques Guéguen, and Salem Hamdi.
- Functional properties of protein fractions obtained from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed protein. International Journal of Food Properties 2014: Leila Rezig, Michèle Dalgalarrondo, Moncef Chouaibi, Jacques Guéguen, and Salem Hamdi.
Submitted papers and advanced proof readings
- Rheological and interfacial properties of almond gum trees exudate (Prunus dulcis) in comparison with gum arabic. Food Engineering. Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Moncef Chouaibi, Mariarenata Sessa, Francesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari and Salem Hamdi. (2013).
- Microencapsulation of β-carotene using almond gum by spray drying: characterization and kinetic degradation. Journal of Food Process Engineering (2013) Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Moncef Chouaibi and Salem Hamdi.
- Characterization and stability evaluation of β-carotene nanoémulsions stabilized with almond gum and gum arabic prepared by high pressure homogenization. Food Hydrocolloids. (2013). Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Moncef Chouaibi, Mariarenata Sessa, Francesco Donsi, Giovanna Ferrari and Salem Hamdi
- Microencapsulation of β carotene using almond gum by freeze-drying: characterization and kinetic degradation. Food Science and Technology International (2013). Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Moncef Chouaibi and Salem Hamdi.
- Chemical composition and anti-oxidant activities of Zizyphus Lotus polysaccharide, bioactive carbohydrates and dietry fiber Moncef Chouaibi, Nesrine Mahfoudhi et Salem HAMDI
Registered patents
- patent 1 : Propriété emulsifiantes et stabilisantes de la poudre de zizufus lotus ; Auteurs: Moncef Chouaibi, Kais Souidi, Salem Hamdi
- patent 2 : Utilisation de la cire d'abeille pour la formulation d'huile d'olive tartinable auteurs: Tkiki Asma, Nesrine Mahfoudhi, Moncef Chouaibi, Linda Ben Yahya,Salem Hamdi
- patent 3 : Décoloration des huiles végétales par une argile d'origine tunisienne ; Auteurs: Ines Rkik, Salem Hamdi, Atef Malek
Scientific affiliation (USA)
- Engineering Scientific Association Tau Beta Pi (USA)
- Agricultural Scientific Association Tau Sigma (USA)
- Agricultural Excellency Gamma Sigma Delta (USA)
Honours (Tunisia)
- Best national engineering project design Honoured by the deputy ministry of scientific and technical research 1995
- Honoured by the national scientific community 1996
- Merit of the National research association 1996
- Honoured by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1997
- National honour for the design of date moist tester 2002
- Third category of the Order of the Republic 2012